
124.6月25日八個現代錯誤-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

Eight Modern Errors Every Catholic Should Know and Avoid

These masquerade as wisdom and balance. 



1. Mercy without reference to repentance – For some, “mercy” means, “God is fine with what I am doing.” But, true mercy does not overlook sin; it offers a way out of sin. The opening words of Jesus’ ministry were “Repent and believe the Gospel!”

1. 不須悔改的憐憫-為一些人而言,「憐憫」意指:「天主認為我所做任何事,都沒問題。」但是,真正的憐憫不會忽視罪惡;它提供了一條避免罪惡的道路。主耶穌公開傳教的開場白是:「悔改並信從福音!」(谷1:15)

2. Fear of the Cross – A strong hesitation to recognize that sometimes we have to go through hard choices. Many Catholics are fearful realizing the demands of moral issues, such as chastity, euthanasia, abortion, and divorce and remarriage. St. Paul understood that Christ crucified is a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.

2. 對十字架的恐懼-強烈地猶豫且不願瞭解,有時我們必須要經歷困難的選擇。許多天主教徒很害怕瞭解,對道德問題的要求,例如:貞操、安樂死、墮胎、離婚和再婚等。聖保祿明白,被釘十字架的主基督是猶太人的絆腳石,為外邦人而言是愚妄的。

3. Universalism – The belief that most, if not all people are going to be saved in the end, no matter what. This is directly contrary to our Lord’s words; he attests that “many” are on the road that leads to destruction and “few” are on the narrow and difficult road that leads to salvation (See Matthew 7:14, Luke 13:23-30). Seldom we hear sermons that warn of judgment or the possibility of hell.

3. 普世主義-堅信大多數人(如果不是全部的話),無論如何,最終都會得救。這直接違背我主所言;祂證實了「許多人」正走上毀滅的道路,「很少人」走上通往救恩、狹窄而艱難的道路(瑪7:14,路13:23-30)。我們很少聽到有關審判的警告,或是會下地獄可能性的講道。

4. Deformed dialogue – The term “dialogue” has come to mean an almost endless conversation, without a clear goal to bring someone close to the truth. It usually means just “talk.”

 “Dialogue” is a tool, not a goal; it is a method, not a destination. Yet it is true, we seek to win souls, not arguments.

4. 畸形的對話-「對話」一詞幾乎意味著無休止的交談,沒有明確的目標,讓某人接近真理。通常它的意思只是「說話」。


5. Equating love with kindness – Kindness is an aspect of love. But so is rebuke; so is punishment; as is praise. Yet many today think of love only as kindness, affirmation, approval, encouragement, and other positive attributes. Yet true love is, at times, willing to punish, to insist on change, and to rebuke error, instead of sacrificing the truth.

5. 認為愛等於和善-和善是愛的一個面向。但是,責備、懲罰也是如此;同樣的讚美也是一樣。然而,今天有許多人認為,愛只是和善、肯定、認可、鼓勵和其他正面的屬性。然而,真愛有時需要懲罰、堅持改善、譴責錯誤,而不是犧牲真理。

6. Wrong idea of tolerance – Most people today equate tolerance with approval of their error. But tolerance refers to the non-interference with beliefs, or practices that one considers to be wrong. Otherwise, we cannot speak of “toleration” but of “indifference” or “affirmation;” forms of indifferentism and subjectivism. Many demand tolerance from us, Catholics, but they have no intention of extending it to us.

6. 對寬容的錯誤概觀-現今大多數的人,將寬容視為允許自己的錯誤。但是,寬容是指不干涉人們認為錯誤的信仰或是做法。否則,我們就不能說是「寬容」,而是「冷漠」,或是「認可」,亦即冷漠主義和主觀主義的形式。許多人要求我們天主教徒要寬容,但是他們沒有意願,將寬容擴及到我們身上。

7. Anthropocentrism – The tendency to have man at the center of everything, and not God. Thus, the liturgy becomes more about us than adoring God. Some parents too seem focused exclusively on the temporal well being of children, on their academic standing and so forth, but less concerned with their spiritual life.

7. 人本中心主義-趨向於以人為一切中心,而不是天主。因此,禮儀更多是為了我們,而不是朝拜天主。有一些父母似乎也只關心孩子們暫時的福祉,他們的學術上地位等,而不太關心他們的屬靈生活。

8. Role reversal – Jesus said that the Holy Spirit, whom he would send to us, will convict the world (see John 16:8). And thus, the proper relationship of a Catholic to the world is to test it. St. Paul says, “Test all things. Hold fast to what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” (1 Thess 5:21-22).

But too often Catholics put the Word of God and the teachings of the Church on trial, judging them with the rules of the world.

All of this amounts to a tragic role reversal wherein the world and its ideas overrule the gospel. They put God himself in the role of accused. Yet do not be deceived; God will not be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.

8. 角色互換-主耶穌說,祂將派遣聖神,要指證世界關於罪惡、正義和審判所犯的錯誤(若16:8)。因此,天主教徒與世界的正確關係,是在考驗它。聖保祿說道:「但應當考驗一切,好的,應保持;各種壞的,要遠避。」(得前5:21-22)。



    八個現代錯誤 白孟德神父
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